Borrowing money to others is sometimes a solution in the midst of adversity. Life is not always smooth. Although it is a job that provides a relatively good income, there are times when we get into financial difficulties.
Many causes. For example, wives, children, parents, siblings who are sick or ill or got our own disaster. It could also be because we spend money without a plan so it can not save let alone prepare a reserve fund.
Life has become mediocre and when disaster comes, we awaken consciousness; importance of money to solve the problem. At such times, we must seek to overcome the difficulty of borrowing money in the future.
Now cash loans are offered by banks or financial institutions with some conditions. However, the facility was sometimes even often can not be used because they could not meet the requirements. It could be because the banks see the condition of 'cash flow' we were not allowed because there is no obligation as a mortgage or car payments outstanding.
First, assess your lifestyle.
Ask if you include people who spend money without a plan? In the office, the employees, especially the discipline of Finance every month budget, monitor spending and corporate earnings and present it to management.
However, for personal interests, discipline does not always apply. You can check for yourself how you plan and manage your finances each month. There are spending money without planning. Spontaneous desire immediately implemented.
No wonder, it is still early in earnings is depleted. You need a good attention to your budget every month. If there is an indication that you are spending money without a plan, take decisive steps. Only the personal discipline to stop this unhealthy habit.
Secondly, best get yourself to not owe to others. At the time of financial difficulty arrives, there is not always a friend who would lend money to you. We can share love, share ideas and talk about anything with friends or other people, but when it is talking money, not always.
When you borrow money, your friendship will be tested. Here you will know who your real friends. Even your own relatives especially the families, will think three times even find a thousand reasons not to lend money to you. If you have items such as gold, the better the item you're selling or borohkan to others as a guarantee that you will refund the money you borrow.
Third, when you ask to borrow money lending evidence.
People who borrow are often unwilling to 'bureaucracy'. Today'm loans, same day no answer he wants no 'black and white.' I suggest that there is evidence of borrowing. If necessary, make your own and ask people who lend money to review it.
Even if you borrow to parents, this practice should also apply to you. It may be a bit foreign. This does not mean that if there is evidence of borrowing, people would keep his promise and return the money.
Some people who borrow money do not return it to me. Interestingly, although there is evidence of a loan, people still forget to repay the loan.
Fourth, get back your loan in accordance with the time you promised.
If no one wants to lend money to you, keep this belief is well. It bet your integrity. Some people who have borrowed to me that he did not return the loan even up to not acknowledge that he had borrowed.
If you can not return in the time you promised, let the people who have given loans to you before the day of H. Ask the repayment schedule was changed. It would save the integrity and reputation.
Fifth, when to repay the loan add a little of your principal.
You do not need to mention it to anyone who has been lending money to you. Good friend usually never talk about lending money, and he just concerned that money back. Suppose that the money you borrow as a deposit.
When the money was deposited in the bank, the loan money will bloom. Give interest loan money you borrow in addition to your loan. Especially if you are borrowing money instead of someone close to you: I suggest you do this.
Sixth, give thanks to the people who had lent money to you.
God always provides a way out for people who were distraught. It maintains our lives even if we do not always realize it. He moves people to help us when we're in trouble.
Through others, we continue to be maintained by the Almighty God. Nevertheless, it could still give thanks directly to the people who have helped you.
If necessary, after you return the money you borrow, visit to his home with a souvenir. It will make a friendship with your friend like a drink of water.
Seventh, prepare yourself to help when people borrow money to you.
The money you have is a gift of God Almighty. It is a law of nature that the money was used wisely included helping others when they are in trouble.
When you lend money because you've borrowed from others-is familiar. But, since you believe in the Almighty God, who preserves the life of you and others, it is a general principle to always be willing to lend money to others in their time of need.
This is one way God takes care of people in difficulty. To whom else had trouble asking for help unless you are endowed by God, the ability to help.
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